P Jayalakshmi, AGM – India Global Quality, Timken Engineering & Research India Pvt Ltd

Nomination for SHE (Rediscovering The Real Woman In You) - Best Woman In Manufacturing: Inculcating Exemplary Quality Culture


Personal Profile / Bio-sketch:

A Mechanical Engineer by profession with around 26 years of experience in precision manufacturing. I started my career in Quality Control, then migrated to Quality Assurance, and later moved to the design & deployment of the Total Quality Management system. With rich experience in the Quality domain, I headed the Quality function for 18 years. With strong functional knowledge and leadership capabilities, headed the Operations function for 8 years driving to World class manufacturing standards. Currently effective from 1st Jan-2023, taken over a Global Quality role responsible for promoting Timken’s high-quality products and services among our customers & stakeholders.

Professional Achievements:

  • Drove consistent quality culture through establishment of strong quality management systems and with the result achieved year on year improvement in Quality metrics and followed by the business was expanded 9~10 times within 15 years
  • Doubled the capacity of finishing lines with line balancing concept and process improvement through Hard Turning process
  • Enhanced the installed capacity of coating process through innovative ideas by 5 times
  • Manpower optimization through lean standard work practices implementation
  • Capacity enhancement of all production equipment through monitoring machine data with the digitalized techniques (like Industry 4.0 practices implementation)
  • A certified Quality professional and Lean Leader

A Brief Account of your contribution to your organization, helping it excel in its chosen sphere:

Implemented & driven Lean Manufacturing System in the plant operations for being consistent in our processes thereby enabling business excellence.

Ramp-up of new product lines achieved in shortest lead times bringing early ROI for the company.

Social Activities / CSR initiatives, if any, with Achievements:

Contributions to charitable institutions for children education and homes for orphans

As part of company’s CSR initiatives, been a panel member to review various projects & approving it.

Towards upholding safety of women at workplace, been a Chairperson of Internal Complaints Committee of the company formed as per PoSH guidelines

How do you balance your work, home and leisure:

To take care of my home and daughter I get a great amount of support from my parents as they are staying along with me and that gives me a great relief to concentrate on my professional life with no hurdles on my personal front during office hours. Today’s generation feels that having elderly people at home spoils our freedom, but I believe that’s a small adjustment in our life and the benefits are more, kids grow with more affectionate family members rather than leaving them with either maid or at creche.

Favorite Hobbies:

Home decoration, Cooking, learning of evolving technologies in mechanical / manufacturing fields, Watching Movies / Netflix series with family members, Gardening, Spending time with my parents

Your Passion and Goal:

My Passion is in Quality & Manufacturing domain and my goal is to reach the top leadership position (Director / Vice President) before retirement.

Beliefs & Values:

My beliefs are, being responsible & affectionate with family is important for the success of personal life and believing in my own abilities & putting best leads to success in professional life.

My values are being loyal, respectful to others, adhering to the law, doing good to the society and avoiding harm to others.

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