Showcasing Value in Industry 4.0, Imaginarium


Highlight the current landscape and growth prospects of the Machine Tools industry in India.

Current Indian Machine Tool Industry is at cross roads. Machine tools had their share of computerization to become NC, CNC and Machining centers. Unlike Indian IT which grew into world’s mighty force, Machine tools somewhere lost the race initially to the innovative West and Japan. The economy was controlled by OEMs with their know-how monopoly. Making machine tool indigenously needed import of expensive hardware. This expensive development discouraged investments. After IP expiry, the scale up game was lost to the state sponsored china Industry. Thanks to subsequent economic reforms, today we have a decent growth in machine tool industry. Due to the efforts by government and Industry body, IMTMA, The Machine tool industry is poised to adopt Industry 4.0. We cannot miss the bus now!

How are your products/services geared up to be in line with recent trends, such as Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing?

Imaginarium is into enterprise 3-D printing and Rapid Manufacturing solutions. From a mere service bureau, we have transformed our business into a platform to make anything, anytime, any quantity. We are in the Digital Manufacturing space. 3-D printing is an important factor in Industry 4.0. They bring the physical side of Cyber Physical System, the other name for Industry 4.0. Being a process which depends on digital inputs, the process is controllable through a network of computer network and open up opportunities of new age such as cloud factory. Our digital platform are constantly improving to deliver reliable solutions across the globe. The computing power, stronger communications herald a super optimum agile fabrication of custom products. We also call it smart manufacturing. We are not only adopting to Industry 4.0 but also help industry to see the value they deliver.

What is your vision for your company (in terms of new product launch, innovation/collaborations)? How do you see your brand growing by 2020?

We are overwhelmed by the potential and promise of Industry 4.0. We wish to enable every individual designers , scientists, startups, SME, OEMs to focus on design while we take care of how to make them. We do it by strategic capacity building through both organically and inorganically. We want to bring the best of technology to India and make it for the world. Imaginarium is standing tall as a reliable and trusted brand.

We see we need to constantly change to remain in this sweet position and for 2020 we are working on our new version, Imaginarium 4.0. We do it by embracing the latest technologies and skills. We will continue to focus on Lifestyle, Engineering, Medical solutions and aiding industries in adoption of new technologies.
