Phoenix Contact Axioline F I/O system

Axioline F now also supports SafetyBridge technology
Axioline F now also supports SafetyBridge technology

Safety applications are now even easier and more flexible to implement with the Axioline F I/O system. The three new SafetyBridge­-I/O modules based on the proven SafetyBridge technology record and output safety-related signals.

SafetyBridge technology is a network-capable safety solution which does not use a safety controller and which can be implemented via any automation network. As such, the safety modules can be mixed and distributed with I/Os which are not safety-related, under the various standard control systems anywhere in the network. This technology permits safety integrity up to SILCL 3 and a performance level up to PL e. Using the free Safeconf configuration software, the safety functions can be configured via drag and drop.

For more information
Phoenix Contact India Pvt. Ltd.
