How to achieve time management with Clockwork Precision


How to achieve time management with Clockwork PrecisionThe most sustainable realization is that there is no other commodity in this world as valuable as Time. A cynical postscript would, however, stoically state that this commodity is as elusive as it is valuable. Naturally, achievers and successful people all over the globe cite Time Management as the Magic formula for their success and as an analogy call it synonymous with “Khul ja Simsim”, the utterance of which revealed the treasure trove to all and sundry.

Here is a twelve point formula to take time on your side and utilize every hour of the day to your best advantage. Imagine that each point is for a single denomination on the clock… One can only think of making friends with the clock by Time Management!

A modular approach is the best approach to executing any task. It is a great idea to tackle each day one at a time rather than think of weeks and months. Hence, a daily task designer and a specific time limit for the same is the first step towards Time Management. A well thought out list of do’s may help one to sort out the tasks on the basis of their urgency. It is important to assess the completion of the allotted tasks, both in terms of quality and quantity. Moreover, a self-appraisal comment in a logbook or diary would be an excellent tool towards self improvement.

As an extrapolation of a Daily plan, a Calendar or Organiser would give one a larger picture of short and long-term tasks on hand. This in turn would be of great help to “bunch” and “batch up” the “things to do”. Most people who have mastered the art of Time Management would admit that they have, in fact, a very accurate estimate of what is do-able by them in a given frame of time. This habit is acquired gradually using a Plan of sorts.

Deadlines sound like death knells to people who are totally haywire with time! So why not begin with self discipline? Allot deadlines for a task completion and be very strict with yourself. Use the license to chastise and reward whatever would be the outcome. The more one meets self imposed deadlines, the more world ready one gets.

Reminders can be set to meet allotted Deadlines. This is not a Corollary but a main point Mantra to get on top of Time. Do put a “tick” when a task is completed… it adds to the “feel good factor”.

Task acceptance can be compared to that enticingly delicious dish one allows on one’s plate to devour with relish. This is a wonderful exercise provided one has an accurate assessment of one’s appetite. Hence, never agree to do more than your capacity. The skill to say “NO” politely, genuinely and firmly is certainly not escapism, rather it is a giant step towards Time Management. Better not bite off more than one can chew.

Time has always been depicted to us as sand slipping away from one’s fingers, lost forever to eternity, hence, one has to keep estimating the time spent and how much of the precious commodity remains. Without making it obsessive, a Clock visibility habit is a good habit The clock should be used pragmatically, not to scare but to caution.

The very valid and inspiring example of the single-minded Arjuna would serve to inspire one and all as far as the ability to focus is concerned. Execution of any task needs one to give 100% and concentration is a prerequisite to the completion of any work on hand. Naturally one needs to be minimally distracted or in fact not at all. This can be done consciously by the person working and “not available” could be a status which would be a forerunner to a large amount of work being done underway.

‘Prioritize the work and stick to the priorities’ is another success dictum of people at hand. Unimportant would be bottom of the list and topmost would be a task with pride of place both in urgency and importance. This skill of making lists improves with practice!

Eliminate Time wasters. Those “wicked” bits of useless jobs which gobble up minutes and hours and finally days and months result in nothing. Always multitask. Do more than one thing at a time. This will provide the required respite through variety and serve to reduce monotony.

While multitasking, one gets a clear idea of what can easily be delegated and by all means one should do exactly that. In order to retain quality, one can oversee the work and also assess the completed task.

Be realistic as far as required time calculation for a task. Always leave some “Buffer time”. Murphy’s Law is all about being grounded not being pessimistic.

Archive your task execution. It will help you to better yourself. It will give you confidence and yes you will feel proud of yourself. All of us can do with a morale boost!

Remember: “Take Time as your partner and not as your opponent.”
– Dr. Jyoti D. Vora
