Vertical storage lifts from Sweden for warehouse management


Weland Solutions expanding in the global market, strengthening their position as a leading supplier of efficient and innovative solutions for warehouse management and logistics announces a new reseller on the Indian market: A M Ecosystem. A M Ecosystem targets companies within the automotive and automation segment.

Compact Lift Wide/Heavy, Compact Double and other products from Weland Solutions are very modular and standardized to a great extent. “We observe that the systems are almost maintenance free and work for years. The products can be tailor-made to match the customer´s needs,” says Ambadas Sutar, CEO at A M Ecosystem.

Last year, Weland Solutions acquired the WMS system Compact Store, a system with support for all the tasks that are part of normal warehouse management such as deliveries, compilation, prioritization and starting of picking orders, relocation and replenishment of items and inventory. With the right products in the right place, it is easy to streamline the entire production. Not only does it utilize the full warehouse space and obtain maximum storage volume on a minimal surface, but also increases the picking speed and secure
storage management.

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