Use of energy efficient motors: The need of industry


Use of Energy Efficient Motors, the need towards a sustainable and resourceful country

ICA India since last year has been a knowledge partner to Energy Efficiency Services Ltd. (EESL) for developing a National Motor Replacement Program (NMRP) where the objective is to replace old inefficient motors in the industries by Premium Efficiency IE3 motors

Addressing the impact motors and motor-driven systems have on the energy consumption in the country,International Copper Association India participated in the 3rd Edition of CII EEETech held on 15th November at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. ICA India’s Program Manager, Motors, Mr. Abhishek Dhupar presented on adoption of Energy Efficient Motors and their standards while EESL’s DGM, Mr. K Thirumurugan presented on National Motor Replacement Program during the special plenary session. The conference on Energy Efficiency, Environment & Technology was focused on the theme: Driving Energy Efficiency Through Innovations & Collaborations.

ICA India since last year has been a knowledge partner to Energy Efficiency Services Ltd. (EESL) for developing a National Motor Replacement Program (NMRP) where the objective is to replace old inefficient motors in the industries by Premium Efficiency IE3 motors. As an association, ICA India are proactively assisting EESL through workshops in championing the cause of replacing the old motors with the advanced efficient motors.

As per the recent Quality Control Order released by the DIPP under Ministry of Commerce, the minimum energy performance standards(MEPS) for Three phase induction motors in India is IE2 class from Jan 2018. “This has certainly raised the bar for improving efficiency standard for Motors in India. Eventually the demand and usage of Energy Efficient Motors (IE2, IE3, IE4) has increased. It shall also help in curbing the imports of standard and sub-standard efficiency motors (IE1 & below) in India. The installed stock of inefficient motors still present in the country needs to be replaced, but due to low level of awareness amongst users on the benefits of energy efficient motors and the general lack of liquidity for SMEs usually slows down the adoption process of Energy Efficient motors” Mr. Dhupar further added.

To address this, EESL has come up with National Motor Replacement Program which aims to provide IE3 motors to the industries through innovative financing model. Under this scheme industries can purchase IE3 motors at much lower price than the retail market price including an extended warranty of 3 years. Thus, towards a prosperous economy, it is essential to implement and replace the old inefficient electric motors with IE3 motors towards the sustainable development of the nation.
