V.V. Kamath, Managing Director, Fronius India Pvt. Ltd.

Developing real manufacturing heroes through FACT initiatives


Developing real manufacturing heroes through FACT initiatives

Fronius India The manufacturing sector in India has experienced significant growth and holds immense significance in the country’s economic development. Over the past few decades, India’s manufacturing sector has evolved from a predominantly agrarian economy to one of the world’s leading manufacturing hubs. The manufacturing sector is a major contributor to India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It provides direct and indirect employment opportunities and contributes significantly to national income and economic growth. Manufacturing is a labour-intensive sector, providing employment for a large portion of India’s population. This is particularly important in a country with a high population density and a need to create productive jobs for its workforce.

Skill Development in the Country

“The most important contribution of the manufacturing sector is “Skill development”. We at Fronius India are working on developing real Manufacturing Heroes with our skill and development initiatives, and we also wish to reduce the gap between socio-economic societies through our FACT (Fronius & Academia Centre for Skill Training),” says V V Kamath, Managing Director.

“One of the fields within manufacturing that consistently offers job opportunities for skilled individuals is welding. Welding involves joining materials, usually metals, using heat and pressure to create a strong and structurally sound bond. This skill is essential in various industries such as construction, automotive, aerospace, energy, commercial transportation and more. In manufacturing sector, welding offers a plethora of job opportunities for skilled professionals. Welding’s versatility, ongoing technological advancements, diverse applications, and global demand ensure that proficient welders are in high demand across various industries. For aspirants interested in pursuing a career in manufacturing, developing their expertise in welding can lead to a rewarding and stable career path with ample opportunities for growth and specialization. Here, we are offering skilled training to students to make them industry ready and qualify them to apply for better job opportunities,” elucidates Kamath.

The demand for skilled professionals in welding and related fields is essential to ensuring product quality and adherence to safety regulations in various industries. Welding is a critical process used to join materials, and its applications are widespread in various industries. Skilled professionals play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity, safety, and functionality of welded structures and products.

Highlights of the FACT Program

Below are a few highlights of the FACT program that enhanced the welding skills and employability of the students:
The students engaged in teamwork and collaboration, gaining knowledge of various welding techniques, joints, parts, machines, and combinations.

Participants received training in computer literacy, soft skills, and corporate etiquette, which enhanced their ability to excel in placement interviews and boosted their confidence in the corporate environment.
The students also form strong relationships with their peers and mentors, fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment.

“The Fronius and Academia Centre for Skill Training (FACT) is a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to providing high-quality skill development programs in welding and allied areas. It is a testament to our commitment to nurturing welding talent and providing a skilled workforce capable of driving India’s progress in diverse industries. Our Fronius Solutions & Skill Centre’s cutting-edge technologies, such as Intelligent Welding power sources, Robotic Welding, Automation, DED Arc Process, and Industry 4.0, ensure that participants receive training on the latest advancements in the field,” adds Kamath.

The FACT initiative’s primary focus is to empower the youth, with a focus on women as well, and provide essential skills to enhance their employability prospects. By providing specialized training programs designed to suit industry demands, FACT aims to bridge the gap between education and employment, fostering an ecosystem where skilled individuals can thrive.

The 45 working days welding training program under the FACT initiative is a holistic program meticulously designed to cater also to the specific needs of women aspiring to become skilled welding professionals. Fronius trainers are experienced professionals who provide hands-on training and theoretical knowledge, ensuring that participants gain a comprehensive understanding of welding techniques, safety protocols, and best practices. Moreover, it creates a supportive learning environment that encourages women to pursue their interests in welding without any inhibitions or biases. As the training program nears completion, the company actively collaborates with various industries and businesses to identify potential employment opportunities for trained men & women welding professionals. Fronius takes pride in connecting these skilled individuals with companies seeking to build a diverse and talented workforce. It works closely with employers to match their specific requirements with the expertise of its graduates, ensuring a mutually beneficial partnership.

Fronius India

Empowering Women Welding Professionals

“Through the FACT initiative, we are not just empowering women welding professionals; we are also challenging societal norms and breaking down gender barriers. By actively promoting gender equality and diversity in the welding industry, we hope to inspire other organizations and industries to adopt similar initiatives and create a more equitable and inclusive workforce,” underlines Kamath. As we continue to expand the FACT initiative’s reach, we will witness a positive impact on the lives of women welding professionals. Trainees in our program will certainly become role models in their communities, inspiring others to break free from conventional norms and pursue their dreams fearlessly.
Our journey towards gender equality in welding has just begun, and we look forward to scaling greater heights in the pursuit of a more inclusive and progressive society.”

“To summarize, Fronius India Private Limited not only pioneers in offering sustainable welding solutions by solving challenges in welding with its extraordinary, talented pool of welding experts in all the categories, but is also determined to improve the quality in Indian Manufacturing industry. Adding the workforce of skilled welders to this industry is not only the motto of Fronius India FACT initiative, but also improving the standard of living of the welders by getting good quality knowledge and hands-on experience to open new career opportunities that will help us as well as Indian manufacturing industry to the most in the upcoming years. Our FACT program certified welders & welding professionals will be the real ‘Manufacturing Heroes’ of the new era of developed India,” elucidates the MD.
