Hanna Instruments introduces Hanna Lab app for Android


Hanna App HaloHanna Instruments recently announced that the popular Hanna Lab App is now compatible with Android devices. Prior to this release, the Hanna Lab App only worked with Apple compatible products. This upgrade allows any of HALO® pH electrodes with Bluetooth Smart (Bluetooth® 4.0) technology to be used with an Android device.

The Hanna Lab App is a free application that turns the Android device into a full-featured pH meter when used with Hanna’s HALO pH electrodes. Functions within the application include calibration, measurement, continuous data logging, graphing, and data sharing. Measurement and logging of pH and temperature at one-second intervals start as soon as the probe is connected. Measurements can be displayed as tabulated data or as a graph. Probe calibration is easily achieved with the Hanna Lab App.

Using Bluetooth Smart technology, Hanna’s line of HALO pH electrodes can be used virtually anywhere. HALO electrodes transmit measurement data directly to anAndroid or Apple compatible device running the Hanna Lab App.  This combination frees the HALO from cumbersome wires and the need for expensive meters, taking advantage of the widespread usage and versatilityof smart phones and tablet devices.

“Part of our philosophy involves making science accessible to the masses,” said Michelle Salisbury, Applications Manager for Hanna Instruments, “the HALO does exactly that.  It is a real game changer, making pH measurements easier and more affordable than ever.

Hobbyists, schools, laboratories…virtually anyone can perform accurate pH and temperature measurements withtheir compatible smart device, the Hanna Lab App,and  a HALO pH electrode.”
