Hanna Instruments, India announces four new HI6000 series research grade meters.


Hanna Instruments India announces four new research-grade meters for pH,EC, optical DO and DO measurements. These benchtop meters are fully customizable touchscreen meters with in-built tutorial mode for beginners. Comes with WI-FI and Ethernet connectivity for fast data transfer. The HI6000 series research grade meters are fast and more accurate. Compact in size and high in precision.

Available models include:

HI6221 – Advanced pH/ORP Meter

HI6321 – Advanced Conductivity Meter

HI6421– Advanced Dissolved Oxygen Meter

HI6421P – Advanced Dissolved Oxygen Meter with HI764833 Polarographic Probe


To know more about the research grade meters, visit our http://www.hannainst.in.

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