Werner Electric India : Global leadership with technology excellence


Mr Vinod Gupta, Managing Director Werner Electric India Pvt. Ltd

Q. Please brief us about company’s global reach and what are the global alliances that has been made in order to out-front the competition?
Historically Werner Electric GmbH established in Germany nearly 100 years ago in 1948 and today stands as the world’s biggest manufacturer and a global distributor of over 40,000 electrical components in 40 industrial product categories. In the search for quality, durability and reliability from industry and manufacturers across India there was a growing demand for Werner Electric products from Germany but commercially this was time consuming, inhibiting and costly for customers and so the growth of products from the Far East arrived in India.
In 2011 Werner Electric India Pvt.Ltd was formed and today we are a wholly independent Indian company importing base components from Germany and then assembling, testing, distributing and fully supporting Werner products from an Indian management team and from Werner offices and factories to customers across India.

Q. What are the market prospects for the WERNER products in India and How do you plan to position these products?
The prospects for Werner Electric India are excellent and the company is fast growing, expanding – a rising star brand in India. Independent in India means Werner Electric is now perfectly placed to offer everything the customer needs in terms of top quality, reliability, availability and best prices representing excellent value and ROI to customers. We now concentrate in getting the Werner message to every quarter of industry via our sales teams, trade media, trade shows, marketing. We are busy building our network opening new local offices and building local distributor partnerships across India to serve every region and all our customers.


Q. Please elucidate in brief about the WERNER’s infrastructure & What are the measure that are being taken from the product manufacturing to distribution?
The Werner Electric Pvt. Ltd head office is based in Mysore with sales offices, assembly factories and technical support from offices in Mysore, Delhi, Bangalore, Coimbatore and our distributor partnership network across India.
Werner Electric India components are assembled to strict Indian industrial standards and exact Indian customer specification. Availability is now fast and unit prices extremely competitive. Werner customers can now get premium quality engineered, innovative design with the durability to cope with extreme Indian industrial and environmental conditions and importantly – reliable products at extremely competitive prices – a win-win situation for customers. In the past year we have made significant inward investment in developing our administration and logistics, continuing an investment in people at every level in keeping with growth with expansion. Not an easy balance to achieve in modern times of rapid technological and commercial growth in India – given the infrastructural challenges – and the fast changing social and political changes of a country in transformation and evolution.


Q. What are the key technological trends that are driving the industry?
India is a nation realising industrial revolution, transformation and evolution as India takes its place as a global manufacturing, production and processing centre. On one hand this is an exciting vision of change that industrial prosperity can bring and India needs. On the other hand if India is deliver on its promise to manufacture and deliver quality, precision, reliable products then India needs to quickly ‘up its game’ in terms of industrial automation, engineering, manufacture and processing facilities India offers bluechip customers and premium brands. A key component of any industrial, engineering, automation and manufacturing plant and factory is the key components specified, purchased and installed in every piece of equipment in every factory. If one component fails then manufacture is halted with dire commercial consequences for everyone. India therefore desperately needs components it can install into its equipment and factories that can cope with the extreme manufacturing processes, conditions and environments without compromise. This is where Werner Electric products have nearly 100 years of proven capability under every working condition and industrial demand. India needs Werner products and Werner products are hear in India.


Q. What is your vision for WERNER ?
We started Werner Electric India Pvt. Ltd as a brand new independent company to continue and build on the values of a premium German brand here in India. Our immediate vision is to establish and extend local offices, distributors and penetration across every quarter of the country to build sales growth into every quarter of industry. Our longer term vision is strive to secure our place as a successful company. For us to stand tall as an Indian company and supplier we can all be proud of… but how wonderful for Werner Electric India if we can play our small but important part in the giant industrial revolution, transformation and evolution of a new India.

